“My powers have doubled since the last time we met, Count,” Anakin (Hayden Christensen) boasts to Count Dooku. Dialogue is on the nose and often cringeworthy.The storytelling is glacial for long stretches.Jar Jar Binks, the slave owner Watto, and the Trade Federation aliens are rendered as racial stereotypes, if unconsciously. Representation is famously problematic.Jackson (as Jedi Mace Windu) of all charisma? Would anyone watching these films believe Natalie Portman as Queen Amidala would win an Oscar five years later for Black Swan? The acting is wooden bordering on amateurish.I mean, come on, have you seen these things? I won’t relitigate all the carping from the last 23 years, but let’s review some key complaints. After suffering two decades of derision, are the prequels suddenly considered good now? How did that happen? They’re not good we just have selective memories Meanwhile, the prequels have undergone fresh appraisal, and the excitement among fans is off the charts for prequel-related shows like Obi-Wan Kenobi. Now the sequels - The Force Awakens, The Last Jedi, and The Rise of Skywalker - are much maligned for their lack of cohesive vision and their reliance on tired material. It didn’t take long for folks to change their tune. Attitudes toward art and culture change over time.They’re superior compared to new Star Wars stuff.They seem better through the additional canon-building.They’re not good we just have selective memories.